
Breaking the cycle of tragedy: We can plan a safer future for Tallahassee

 Tallahassee’s pedestrian and cyclist fatalities are out of control.

A recent study showed that Leon County had the third-most crashes involving pedestrians of Florida’s 67 counties. According to the Florida Traffic Safety Dashboard, 52 pedestrians and cyclists have died since 2020 in Leon County. 

The good news is that we have the power to help.

Individual drivers must accept their responsibility behind the wheel for public safety – and so must policymakers. We know certain configurations of roads and planning priorities are safer than others that put residents at risk, and now is the time to prioritize safety on Tallahassee’s streets.

Policy choices surrounding growth management and urban planning – or the lack thereof – directly contribute to these tragedies. The senseless violence and death on our roadways are not acceptable. We have a responsibility and the opportunity to face it directly and make decisive changes.

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