
help? If not, this is why you should

 According to various sources, one out of every five students reports bullying. The Nation Education Association has found that over 160,000 students refuse to go to school every day for the fear of being bullied.

My story of cyberbullying

A senior once sent the following messages to me. I have no idea where she is placed now, or what she’s doing. But I hope she’s doing well in life and I wish well for her. I am posting the pictures below so that you can give it a read yourself.

As you can see, this went on for exactly one week. I was in 6th or 7th grade at that time. A timid, meek, and an innocent girl. The day I received the above messages, I was astonished at the way she addressed me and commented about what others at school thought about me. I want to post these pictures to emphasize what I’m going to write about.

She took the privilege of judging what others thought about me at school and my apartment! She never knew me, and I have no idea how she jumped into this conclusion. She went to the point of threatening me to be in my limits and kept reminding me about how much I was hated by a few strangers I didn’t know. I had never spoken to her before and didn’t cause her any harm whatsoever. This is how bullies enter our lives. You wouldn’t know they are there, waiting to devour a time of your life like a hungry pack of wolves. You may be sympathizing with the victim and you are not doing wrong. However, those who bully go through a lot of issues themselves like depression, low self-esteem, aggression, trauma, relationship with family, the need to be powerful, etc. These make them need to bully others. This doesn’t sound right. You’re wondering that if they are going through a tough time, why do they want to bully others? What will they get achieve from it? The answer is, that’s a way of coping with their insecurities.

Who needs help?

I think it’s important that you know both sides of the story. The one who is bullying and the one getting bullied.

Those who bully others need special attention from their parents, teachers, and classmates. Their behavior needs to be followed closely and if they need help, it should be given. And as for those who are being bullied, they need help too. They can be victims of self-harm, suicidal tendencies, depression, etc. In both cases, the common conclusion is that the person who is bullying and the person who is getting bullied need help. It isn’t one-sided. People tend to think that only the person who is getting bullied needs help. But in reality, that’s not the case.

However, this may not be the case all the time. The person who is bullying may just find enjoyment in doing it and may not be going through any issues. But this doesn't mean that he/she doesn’t need help. What I am trying to convey here is that, help your friends or anyone who is a victim of bullying and report to your teacher, or his/her parents even if the person who is bullying is your friend. If you are a victim, talk to someone you trust and are close to, about it (preferably someone older to you). Keeping it to yourself will only lead to further issues. If you’re facing problems with your peers at school or college and you are not able to tackle it, then you will have to speak about it. I did it too and it was like a helping hand to me. Talking is the most important thing you can do. It will help you ease and solve what you are going through.

“There’s a moment you have to choose whether to be silent or to stand up.” — Malala Yousafzai

A little help from your end

Bullying can be of various forms. I was a victim of cyberbullying. If you are going through the same, don’t be afraid of standing up. Talk to the ones you can trust and love. Bullying is not a healthy habit; so don’t encourage it. Encourage your peers to talk to their dear ones by giving them courage through your kind words and request the elders to assist those who bully.

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